Our Mission & Vision
Our mission is threefold: 1) To help believers create home Christian fellowship groups that focus on living the gospel. We want to learn from believers in other countries who are living in the contradiction and conflict of being a true church in a culture that opposes the Lord – and help believers prepare for this reality. 2) To help home groups and churches develop effective and vibrant online interactions, adapting to the reality of a pandemic world that restricts opportunities for in-person gathering. 3) Provide information, strategies and resources to help home groups and churches meet the needs of individuals who have a unique “neurological profile”. Many churches and Messianic congregations tend to structure their worship, Bible study / teaching, and fellowship activities in ways that fit the default “neurotypical” profile. However, scripture has a diversity of literary styles (history, narrative, instruction, psalms, wisdom literature, prophecy) from a diversity of divinely-inspired authors, and the body of believers is built up into maturity as it also embraces the diversity of gifts and neurological styles the Lord has given us.
Long Live the King, Long Live Yisrael
Yeshua (Jesus) said “believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews…